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  • The Value of Unopened Email

The Value of Unopened Email

Unopened Emails Don't Suck. Email Marketers live for open rates. They make us feel good and provide a directional metric on the performance of the campaign. While we all want every single email opened and engaged with, the reality is that it will never happen. However, an unopened email does provide a fair amount of value to the programs we run. Embrace The Unopened Emails in Your Email Campaigns Part 1: Deleted Unopened Emails in Email [...]

September 3rd, 2020|Categories: Associations, Email Marketing, Featured, Franchises, Gaming, Publishing|Tags: , |
  • Introducing a New Email Campaign Type: Re-Welcome Email

Introducing a New Email Campaign Type: Re-Welcome Email

THE NEW DORMANTS: I would like to introduce you to Sara and Bob, the new dormants. They are email subscribers you acquired several months ago via an aggressive and expensive digital marketing campaign. We have several points of valuable data on Sara and Bob that were captured during the sign-up process and have been sending them 3 emails a week for months. The problem is that they have not converted. In fact, they haven't engaged with [...]

  • I Love Email Customer License Plate Illinois

Making Email Fun: V.P. of Customer Engagement Andrew Kordek

I am not afraid to admit it, I love email marketing. I love email so much that the picture of the license plate above is mine. I have spent the last 20 years of my career in email marketing, making email fun for brands that I have worked with and for. The Fun - Highest Grossing Groupon Email  "It was August 19th, 2010, at 4:30 am when I arrived at the Groupon offices on the Near [...]

August 20th, 2020|Categories: Email Marketing, Featured|
  • Even an Enterprise Email Marketing Platform Can Lead to Overindulgence in Emailing

Enterprise Email Marketing Tools Can Lead to Excess – Beware!

It's August 2020 and our scales are showing the effects of the extra food and alcohol consumed while staying home. People now refer to their pandemic pounds and the quarantine 15. We have fattened our curves while flattening the curve. The extra calories are understandable. We’ve been stressed out, seeking comfort and baking bread. We’ve found solace in the kitchen, but our waistlines have paid a price. And that’s the nice thing about weight gain, right? [...]

August 3rd, 2020|Categories: Email Marketing, Featured|
  • Enterprise Email Marketing Software & Good Strategy = Email ROI

Enterprise Email Marketing Software & Good Strategy = Email ROI

If you’ve invested in an enterprise email marketing software solution as a better fit for your increasingly complex email marketing needs, you’re probably taking advantage of many of the email marketing tools now available to you. Hopefully, your email service provider is also providing helpful email marketing tips. But that software alone is not enough to generate the higher email ROI you seek. You must still develop your email marketing strategy and work your way through [...]

July 1st, 2020|Categories: Associations, Best Practices, Featured, Franchises|Tags: |
  • Restaurant Email Marketing - Restaurant Email Segmentation

Restaurant Email Marketing – Restaurant Email Segmentation

Email marketing for restaurants—it’s a numbers game. But they have to be the right numbers in the right sequence. Improving email ROI for your restaurant isn’t about simply upping customer email numbers, meaning getting more names on your email list so you can send more email campaigns and therefore drive more customers to your business. How do you improve the ROI of email marketing for restaurant owners? Start by increasing the restaurant email segmentation. Do this, [...]

June 30th, 2020|Categories: Data, Featured|Tags: |

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