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The Future of Email Marketing: Dedicated IPs and the Death of Traditional Metrics

In this episode of Email Never Sleeps, Andrew Kordek engages with Jakub Olexa, the founder and CEO of Mailkit and Omniv, to discuss the evolving landscape of email marketing. The conversation covers the strategic use of dedicated IPs and the shifting relevance of traditional email metrics like open rates. Rethinking Dedicated IPs Jakub Olexa provides a compelling overview of the email marketing scene, mainly using dedicated IPs. While common in the US due to [...]

  • Lessons Learned: What I Wish I Knew Before Migrating ESPs

Lessons Learned in ESP Migration

In this episode of Email Never Sleeps, we dive deep into Lessons Learned in ESP Migration and the complexities of Email Service Provider (ESP) migration, guided by the seasoned insights of Anna Levitin, a marketing and email operations leader based in Tel Aviv. With a rich background in cultural anthropology, Anna brings a unique perspective to understanding user behavior and navigating the intricate process of ESP migration. Understanding ESP Migration Anna's journey in the [...]

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Make or Break Moments: The Power of Your Brand’s First Email

In email marketing, unlocking the secrets to success and navigating through common failures often hinges on attention to detail—both in the meticulous execution of each campaign and the overarching strategy that guides them. In the latest episode of “Email Never Sleeps,” hosted by Andrew Kordek, industry veteran Tali Hasanov shared her seasoned insights, drawing extensively from her extensive experience in digital marketing and email strategy. Setting the Stage for Success Define Clear Objectives The [...]

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The Synergy of SEO, Ads & Email: Converting Web Traffic into Loyal Subscribers

In digital marketing, finding the perfect blend of strategies to elevate your brand and connect with your audience is crucial. Today, we're exploring how SEO, ads, and email marketing synergize to convert casual web visitors into loyal subscribers. Presented by iPost and Andrew Kordek, the "Email Never Sleeps" podcast's third season features a conversation with digital marketing strategist Alizah Thornton. This discussion sheds light on creating meaningful connections with your audience and leveraging content [...]

  • The Power of Storytelling and Personalization

The Power of Storytelling and Personalization

Storytelling and personalization have emerged as pivotal elements that can significantly enhance the effectiveness of email campaigns. Episode 7 of the "Email Never Sleeps" podcast, hosted by Andrew Kordek, features a deep dive into these crucial topics with the expertise of Toni Rexroat, an email marketing veteran known for her exceptional storytelling skills. This blog post encapsulates the key insights and strategies discussed in the episode, offering valuable guidance for marketers looking to elevate [...]

  • AI Email Tactics: Best Use Cases For Email Marketing

AI Email Tactics: Best Use Cases For Email Marketing

In the rapidly evolving world of digital marketing, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force, particularly in the realm of email marketing. The latest episode of the "Email Never Sleeps" podcast, hosted by Andrew Kordek and presented by iPost, delves deep into this topic. Featuring Elizabeth Jacobi, the founder of Mocha Bear Marketing and a veteran in the email marketing industry, the discussion offers a nuanced exploration of AI's role and potential [...]

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