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Email Never Sleeps Episode 1: Wisdom For Young Marketers
So many people have asked Andrew Kordek Vice President of Customer Engagement at iPost for advice on best practices in email marketing. That's why iPost decided to launch the new podcast series titled Email Never Sleeps. What is Email Never Sleeps? Email Never Sleeps is a vidcast/podcast to discuss real pragmatic email marketing strategy and allow the listener to gain valuable insight. In episode 1 of Email Never Sleeps, you are encouraged to watch and [...]
Best Franchise Email Templates for 2024
What makes the best franchise email templates? Many factors go into writing franchise emails that convert well, but there are some common elements that any franchisor can include in their email campaigns to help boost the chances of conversion and engagement. While writing an email may seem like a relatively straightforward process, Franchise owners may often rely on their marketing teams to create the outgoing emails. Unlike small businesses or eCommerce brands, franchise owners must consider [...]
2022 Google Algorithm Updates & What They Mean for You
If you’re not paying attention to 2022 Google Algorithm Updates, you could be seriously hurting your chances of success. After all, more than 90% of the world uses Google Search. What are some upcoming changes you should know about and how will they affect the world of SEO? In this article, we’ll take a look at the major Google Algorithm updates expected in 2022 and what they mean for your business (hint: if you aren’t ready, [...]
Franchise Report: Email Marketing and SEO on the Rise
According to the 2021 Annual Franchise Marketing Report (AFMR), the results from email marketing have risen among businesses for 2021, with an increase of 15% in effectiveness versus 2020. The study also highlighted that search engine optimization (SEO) has also been increasing in popularity and effectiveness, showing an increase of 7 percentage points. Combining these two strategies; Email Marketing and SEO, provides a powerful plan of action to attract new customers and ensure your business’s longevity [...]
How to write high-performing email subject lines
Are you wondering how to write high-performing email subject lines? Well, the role of email subject lines has evolved over the last 10 years. Often used to give context into what is inside the email, it has sometimes been abused with the likes of using RE: or FW: to sometimes trick the subscriber into an engagement. We have seen the introduction of emojis, the pervasive use of “oops” and the subsequent messaging of “thought leaders” that [...]
Email Marketing For Franchise Development
Connecting with your audience and developing the franchise are extremely important for growth in the franchise industry. All successful franchises use email marketing and automation tools for franchise development. When you think of franchise development, you don’t often think about how email marketing can influence the process. However, a well-executed and timely franchise email marketing campaign to potential franchisees can carry a ton of weight in strengthening brand awareness. Franchise development needs to have email marketing [...]
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