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Email Never Sleeps Season 1 Finale: Final Thoughts of 2022

This is episode 15 of Email Never Sleeps, the email marketing podcast. What is Email Never Sleeps? Email Never Sleeps is a vidcast/podcast to discuss real pragmatic email marketing strategy and allow the listener to gain valuable insight. Episode Topic: Final Thoughts, Season 1 Finale Apply To Be A Guest for Season 2! Are you heavily involved in the email industry? We're accepting applications for upcoming guests. Episode 15 Host: Andrew Kordek LinkedIn   |   Twitter  [...]

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The 21 Do’s & Don’ts for Franchisors in Email Marketing

Introduction This 21 do’s and don’ts for Franchisors in Email Marketing post is undoubtedly not meant to be an exhaustive list but should serve as a guidepost for your programmatic email efforts. This post is all about you, the Franchisor, and actions in your email program to create awareness, nurture and convert people/subscribers interested in becoming a Franchisee. Many Franchisors ask the question regarding franchise email marketing: “what are the best practices I should adopt?” [...]

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Email Never Sleeps Episode 14: Email Frequency Best Practices For 2023

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8 Email Marketing Trends For 2023

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Email Never Sleeps Episode 13: What the modern marketing agency needs to do to align themselves in email marketing

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Email Never Sleeps Episode 12: How to Check Your Email Reputation

This is episode 12 of Email Never Sleeps, the email marketing podcast. Watch this video to learn about email best practices for your checking your email reputation. This Email Reputation video should help you learn email marketing best practices and give you advice on where you should start if you are new to checking out your email reputation. What is Email Never Sleeps? Email Never Sleeps is a vidcast/podcast to discuss real pragmatic email marketing [...]

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