Email Predictions

  • Essential Types of Email Campaigns for Marketers copy

9 Essential Types of Email Campaigns for Marketers

2024-05-01T17:36:47-06:00By |Tags: , , , , |

There are many types of email campaigns, which are a powerful way to communicate with your email list in the ever-evolving digital marketing landscape. Each email campaign offers a unique opportunity to strengthen your relationship with your audience, from welcoming new subscribers to nudging those almost forgotten carts across the checkout line. Let's explore [...]

  • Franchise Email Marketing and SEO on the Rise

Franchise Report: Email Marketing and SEO on the Rise

2022-01-18T12:30:36-07:00By |Tags: , , , , |

According to the 2021 Annual Franchise Marketing Report (AFMR), the results from email marketing have risen among businesses for 2021, with an increase of 15% in effectiveness versus 2020.  The study also highlighted that search engine optimization (SEO) has also been increasing in popularity and effectiveness, showing an increase of 7 percentage points.  Combining [...]

  • Email Marketing For Franchise Development

Email Marketing For Franchise Development

2023-08-23T09:47:21-06:00By |Tags: , , , , |

Connecting with your audience and developing the franchise are extremely important for growth in the franchise industry. All successful franchises use email marketing and automation tools for franchise development. When you think of franchise development, you don’t often think about how email marketing can influence the process. However, a well-executed and timely franchise email [...]

  • The Importance of Email Marketing for 2023

The Importance of Email Marketing for 2023

2023-05-09T10:04:46-06:00By |Tags: , , , , |

Updated May 2023 The importance of email marketing has skyrocketed in the past few years, and it’s only going to continue growing in the coming years. With this increased importance, though, comes increased competition.  That’s why it’s important to make sure you’re putting in your best efforts with your email marketing campaigns now in [...]