email marketing

iPost Launches New Website to Better Serve Niche Industries for Advanced Email Marketing

2023-08-23T09:38:41-06:00By |Tags: |

"iPost’s new layout is about answering the questions surrounding purchasing an email marketing system and helping you make an informed decision." SAN MATEO, CA, UNITED STATES, March 16, 2022 -- iPost, the enterprise email marketing, and automation provider, today announced the launch of its new website providing potential clients with demos for email marketing and automation, as [...]

  • iPost joins the Association of Gaming Equipment Manufacturers (AGEM)

iPost joins the Association of Gaming Equipment Manufacturers (AGEM)

2022-02-28T08:18:25-07:00By |Tags: , |

SAN MATEO, CALIF., Feb 24, 2022 iPost, the enterprise email marketing and automation provider is honored to announce that it has become an Associate Member of the Association of Gaming Equipment Manufacturers (AGEM) Associate Membership of iPost has been unanimously approved by the Board of Directors of the Association of Gaming Equipment Manufacturers (AGEM). iPost, the enterprise [...]

  • Franchise Email Template for 2024

Best Franchise Email Templates for 2024

2024-05-08T13:23:10-06:00By |Tags: , , |

What makes the best franchise email templates?  Many factors go into writing franchise emails that convert well, but there are some common elements that any franchisor can include in their email campaigns to help boost the chances of conversion and engagement.  While writing an email may seem like a relatively straightforward process, Franchise owners [...]

  • Franchise Email Marketing and SEO on the Rise

Franchise Report: Email Marketing and SEO on the Rise

2022-01-18T12:30:36-07:00By |Tags: , , , , |

According to the 2021 Annual Franchise Marketing Report (AFMR), the results from email marketing have risen among businesses for 2021, with an increase of 15% in effectiveness versus 2020.  The study also highlighted that search engine optimization (SEO) has also been increasing in popularity and effectiveness, showing an increase of 7 percentage points.  Combining [...]

  • Email Marketing For Franchise Development

Email Marketing For Franchise Development

2023-08-23T09:47:21-06:00By |Tags: , , , , |

Connecting with your audience and developing the franchise are extremely important for growth in the franchise industry. All successful franchises use email marketing and automation tools for franchise development. When you think of franchise development, you don’t often think about how email marketing can influence the process. However, a well-executed and timely franchise email [...]

  • 3 Types of Emails EVERY Casino Needs copy

Casino Marketing 101: 3 Types of Emails EVERY Casino Needs

2021-12-21T13:19:27-07:00By |Tags: , , , |

The competition for email inbox attention is at an all-time high these days, and there is nothing more important in today’s marketing mix than the effective use of email marketing for player development. The modern player demands personalized experiences, choice, a humanized tone, and most importantly, the ability to be heard and educated about [...]