email marketing

Email Metrics That Matter

2022-06-06T11:35:54-06:00By |Tags: , , |

It's time to start thinking about new email marketing metrics to track because vanity metrics like open rate won't cut it anymore. Some program-centric metrics can translate into business-centric metrics, opening up the door to a larger budget for email marketing innovation. Buckle up. Email Marketing Metrics That Matter Video by Andrew Kordek [...]

  • Why You Should Clean Your F***ing Email List

Email Never Sleeps Episode 4: Why You Should Clean Your F***ing Email List

2023-01-25T08:49:36-07:00By |Tags: , , |

Hey Hey! It's episode 4 of Email Never Sleeps, the pragmatic email marketing strategy insight podcast. In this week's video, our guest Al Iverson, Director of Deliverability Products and Services for KickBox is discussing with Andrew Kordek some of their email marketing list hygiene strategies and ways to be successful with cleaning your [...]