
  • Automation to Journeys

From Automation to Journeys — 5 Key Tips

2021-10-26T13:46:26-06:00By |Tags: , |

Most every digital marketing professional has basic automated email journeys in place, usually a welcome series. But the time has come for these email marketing automation programs to grow in maturity, to evolve from email automation to well-thought-out email journeys. Why? One reason: customer experience. Customer experience is the new competitive advantage We’re entering [...]

  • 15 Ways to Improve Automated Email Content

15 Ways to Improve Automated Email Content

2025-02-15T07:45:23-07:00By |Tags: |

There’s a lot of logic that goes into wanting better email content while developing ways to improve automated email content in your email campaigns. However, when it comes to the email content, logic sometimes gets lost in the shuffle. We suspect that’s due in part to crafting these email messages as one-offs, and focusing [...]