
Get a Free Demo of iPost’s Email Marketing Platform

Drive customer engagement and grow your business with data-driven email marketing and automation. iPost puts the power of email in your hands–with an intuitive interface, efficient workflows and powerful integrated features that drive enterprise email marketing.

  • Unlock customer insights

  • Develop better relationships with your customers

  • Build your brand

  • Increase ROI by more than 50%


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    “We never dreamed how easy it was going to be to migrate from a top-heavy email platform … to the perfect fit for our email campaigns with iPost … They were there for us every step of the way …We are thrilled to be working with iPost and look forward to a continued win-win relationship.”
    The Henry Ford
    iPost’s drag-and-drop design tool

    iPost Empowers You to Design Great Email Marketing

    • Create impactful, professional emails in minutes
    • Automatically responsive HTML
    • Migrate your brand’s existing email marketing templates

    Get More Insight with Visual Reporting

    • Create actionable visual reports
    • Quickly understand how your campaign is performing
    • Make URL hotfixes on the fly
    iPost Visual Reporting
    iPost - Customer segmentation with Filters

    Audience Segmentation

    • Customer segmentation is as easy as drag and drop
    • Build Segments & ROI–Not IT Support Tickets
    • No custom IT configuration or support is necessary.

    Deliverability & Monitoring At A Glance

    • View all key campaign deliverability statistics–even at the domain level–and responses
    • Measure real-time engagement
    • In platform 250ok integration
    iPost deliverability tools - 250OK

    In addition to the power of the iPost platform today, we’ve partnered with industry leaders into the future for even more features and capabilities, including:


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