
  • What Are The Reticent Subscribers

What Are The Reticent Subscribers

2022-01-27T12:50:49-07:00By |

Whether the number of email subscribers in your email list is 5,000 or 15,000,000, there is a lurking set of email addresses that no one wants to talk about it. They are Reticent Subscribers. These email addresses can be a gold mine or a sinkhole. Believe it or not, you, as an email marketer, [...]

  • The Value of Unopened Email

The Value of Unopened Email

2022-01-27T12:51:24-07:00By |Tags: , |

Unopened Emails Don't Suck. Email Marketers live for open rates. They make us feel good and provide a directional metric on the performance of the campaign. While we all want every single email opened and engaged with, the reality is that it will never happen. However, an unopened email does provide a fair amount [...]

  • Enterprise Email Marketing Software & Good Strategy = Email ROI

Enterprise Email Marketing Software & Good Strategy = Email ROI

2021-10-28T12:47:01-06:00By |Tags: |

If you’ve invested in an enterprise email marketing software solution as a better fit for your increasingly complex email marketing needs, you’re probably taking advantage of many of the email marketing tools now available to you. Hopefully, your email service provider is also providing helpful email marketing tips. But that software alone is not [...]

  • Franchise Email Marketing

Franchise Marketing Agency Tip: Use Data and Analysis for a Better Customer Experience (Updated October 2021)

2021-10-28T14:36:33-06:00By |Tags: |

Relevance has revolutionized both the franchise email marketing industry and franchise marketing systems. It has franchise marketing companies moving us away from the batch-and-blast of old and on to the path toward one-to-one email messaging. Relevancy always matters. No one can afford not to be relevant to at least some degree. And it is [...]

  • Segment Your Audience Based on Behavioral Data

Segment Your Audience Based on Behavioral Data

2021-10-28T14:35:05-06:00By |

As an email marketer, you’re probably segmenting your audiences, but are you segmenting based on online behavioral data? If not, you are missing out on lost revenue. And you’re spending more money than you need to with your enterprise ESP. Behavioral segmentation can help you improve opens and click through open rates (CTORs) as [...]

  • How to Be a Trusted Partner

How to Be a Trusted Partner

2022-01-27T12:55:27-07:00By |

In business school, aspiring marketers are taught to focus on customer acquisition and customer retention, meaning loyalty. But without establishing trust, there is little chance of loyalty or repeat customers. Trust is the most overlooked—and possibly most important—factor when it comes to customer retention. Trust is not something to be gained from a single [...]

  • How to Win Back Lost Customers Using Email

How to Win Back Lost Customers Using Email

2022-01-27T12:56:54-07:00By |

Building a solid subscriber list is hard. Keeping a subscriber engaged is even harder. No matter how hard we work to get people to sign up for our email lists, subscriber attrition and abandoned carts are an ongoing challenge for email marketers. Customers abandon email programs for a variety of reasons. They might experience [...]