Email Marketing

  • Doing an ESP Migration

Doing an ESP Migration? Avoid These 7 Pitfalls

2022-01-27T12:48:20-07:00By |Tags: |

For Basic ESP Q & A, refer to this previous post for What is an ESP?. You thought going through the ESP selection process was hard? It might look like a walk in the park compared to the actual ESP migration. Moving from one ESP to another involves many different people and parts, and [...]

  • 5 Facts About Email Copywriting—and Why It Matters

5 reasons email copywriting is different

2022-01-27T12:48:31-07:00By |Tags: , |

Email marketers & business owners usually assume email copywriting is easy. Or they assume it’s like writing any other kind of marketing copy. But they’re wrong. If you want to succeed with email marketing in 2022 and beyond, it’s time to start learning how to write killer emails. To really learn email copywriting, it [...]

Are Long Emails Bad? How Long Should an Email Be?

2021-10-27T09:52:35-06:00By |Tags: , , |

Are Long Emails Bad? You Have Been Mislead. In recent years people in the email industry have led you to believe that you should stop writing long emails because email subscribers don't read long emails anymore. Email marketing strategists and thought leaders have subsequently encouraged you to write shorter emails (50 to 125 words [...]

  • Restaurant email marketing

Restaurant Email Marketing Tasty Results with Images

2021-12-03T09:31:41-07:00By |Tags: |

Even with the best restaurant email marketing platform in the world, you’ll fail to deliver optimal email marketing results if you’re not using the right images. And by “right,” I mean the images your audience is drawn to and compelled by. You already know images are compelling because you’re human. If I were to [...]


How to Leverage Web Tracking Data for Informed Decisions

2021-12-03T09:55:33-07:00By |Tags: , |

There’s no such thing as too much data in marketing and business, especially when it comes to web tracking data. As the saying goes, if you aren’t measuring, you aren’t improving. Informed decision-making is about getting out of your own head and putting yourself in the place of your potential customers. They want great [...]

  • iPost Three-Areas-Of-Messaging-Focus

3 Techniques to Enhance Your Email Messaging Focus

2021-12-03T10:30:05-07:00By |

How can you ensure that your email marketing efforts continue to resonate with your subscribers? Focus on three key techniques that will make sure you humanize, harmonize, and empathize with your audience. No matter what type of business you’re running, it’s vital to understand the importance of creating relationships with your subscribers. After all, [...]