Blog: Email Marketing News
Blog: Email Marketing News
Blog: Email Marketing News

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  • Franchise Marketing Attribution Balance new

Franchise Marketing Attribution in Digital Email Marketing

In a recent Scorpion Research Study (published on the IFA site) done on Franchise Owner Marketing Attitudes & Usage, almost 27% of the business owner respondents said that Franchise Marketing Attribution was the most significant marketing challenge that they faced. In addition, when asked about what aspects of their digital advertising could work better, respondents said: “they wanted their [...]

  • Man on mountain climbing pristine

Email Marketing: What is a Pristine Spam Trap?

A Pristine Spam Trap Is Not Good. There are three types of spam traps senders can email, but one of the worst ones is called a pristine spam trap.  Pristine traps have also been referred to by email marketers as true traps or honeypots because the address has never been an email address.  They are created by ISP’s, security [...]

  • Dumb Lamb in front of chalkboard funny for mail privacy protection

4 Dumb Ways to Deal with Mail Privacy Protection

There has undoubtedly been a lot of hullabaloo around Mail Privacy Protection affecting email over the last few weeks. Apple iPhone users on apple devices can now surpass tracking pixels and online activity. The industry itself has all agreed that people should not panic and that email will continue to thrive and innovate due to this change from [...]

  • Andrew Kordek | 8 Questions Answered | Best Email Program

Andrew Kordek Reveals 8 Answers on Best Email Programs

Does the perfect email program exist? What is the best email system? These are commonly asked questions by digital marketers and the answer may surprise you. The perfect email program may or may not exist. Depending on how you define perfection, the Perfect Email Program Video by Andrew Kordek answers 8 commonly asked questions he encounters in his day to day at [...]

  • Top Email Subject Lines In June 2021

Top Email Subject Lines In June 2021

Best June email subject lines  We love writing email subject lines. We love testing them. We love to be surprised when what we think will work doesn’t. We also love when an email we didn't expect to take off gets incredible email open rates. Effective Email at its best! We love good emails at iPost. (please don’t get [...]

  • Corn maze for iPost How to Link an Email Blog

How Many Email Links Should I Have? How to Link an Email.

How many email links should I have? Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to generate and nurture leads. But how many links should you include in your emails? Don't be fooled by the common belief that more email links will increase your click-through rate (CTR). In this post, we'll go over how many evergreen email links [...]

Testing an email is a waste of time.

Testing an email is a waste of time. I am sick of the words “test it” in email marketing.  For the last 15 years, it seems that you cannot go a week without reading an article about the value of testing in email. Thought leaders, content marketers, vendors, and agencies have all banged the drum of just [...]

Thank you Apple, we L.O.V.E. MPP!

Apple delivered the email marketing community a gift at the WWDC this past week, and we at iPost cannot be more excited.  In case you haven’t heard, Apple will be releasing “Mail Privacy Protection” MPP later this year with iOS15, iPadOS15, watchOS8, and macOS Monterey. Here is what we know so far about Mail Privacy Protection (MPP): IP addresses [...]

  • Improve Your Email Marketing Results Right Now

Improve Your Email Marketing Results Right Now

Quick! What’s the best way to improve your email marketing right now? Grow your list? Send more emails? Change vendors? Use emojis in your subject line? The answer is…none of the above. What's The Best Way to Improve Your Email Marketing Results? The reality is, the best way to improve your email campaigns right now is with your words. Your email copywriting in digital marketing is something you can improve today to drive higher open rates, CTRs and ROI. Look at your own email inbox: How many marketing emails stand out and get your attention, pique your interest, and compel you to act? Not many, right? And that’s your opportunity, your competitive edge, when you learn [...]

By |October 27th, 2020|Categories: Associations, Email Marketing, Featured, Franchises, Gaming, Publishing|
  • What Are The Reticent Subscribers

What Are The Reticent Subscribers

Whether the number of email subscribers in your email list is 5,000 or 15,000,000, there is a lurking set of email addresses that no one wants to talk about it. They are Reticent Subscribers. These email addresses can be a gold mine or a sinkhole. Believe it or not, you, as an email marketer, can control at least part of where they end up. First things first, the Merriam-Webster reticent definition: reticent adjective ret·​i·​cent | \ ˈre-tə-sənt  \ Definition of reticent 1: inclined to be silent or uncommunicative in speech. Reticent Subscribers Reticent subscribers are the quiet ones that you have no idea what they are thinking about your brand's email program. These subscribers are people who have signed up, engaged, and [...]

By |October 21st, 2020|Categories: Associations, Best Practices, Email Marketing, Featured, Franchises, Gaming, Publishing|
  • Top Email Subject Lines September 2020

September 2020: 10 Top Email Subject Line Examples

At iPost, our email marketing team gets many emails, and by many, I mean we get a ton! Our staff is always looking at how the market is shifting not only in design but the frequency, messaging, testing, and, most importantly, email subject lines. As marketers, we've all seen poorly executed email subject lines. But good email subject lines are what we all aim for when we send an email. As you may know, a well-crafted eye catching subject line can enhance the email's opportunity for subscriber engagement. There are hundreds of email-based blog posts around how to write and test subject lines, so rather than educate, we thought it would be more entertaining to show [...]

By |October 6th, 2020|Categories: Best Practices, Email Marketing, Featured|Tags: |
  • Frequency Matters

What You Need to Know About Email Frequency

Sending too much email to subscribers can increase unsubscribes, spam complaints, and generally annoy the people on your list. However, not sending enough can be an even greater risk. Best Tip: Watch your email frequency & follow our 9 Email Marketing Trends. Why Email Frequency Matters: When you send too much, recipients are more likely to not want to see your messages anymore. More and more people unsubscribe which results in diminishing returns for your email marketing strategy. When that happens, it’s hard (and expensive) to get back into their email inboxes. And if you send too little email, you may be missing out on revenue or referrals. The key is to understand what a customer [...]

  • The Value of Unopened Email

The Value of Unopened Email

Unopened Emails Don't Suck. Email Marketers live for open rates. They make us feel good and provide a directional metric on the performance of the campaign. While we all want every single email opened and engaged with, the reality is that it will never happen. However, an unopened email does provide a fair amount of value to the programs we run. Embrace The Unopened Emails in Your Email Campaigns Part 1: Deleted Unopened Emails in Email Campaigns Subscribers who delete an unopened email are exposed to your brand via the From line. Exposure like this can keep your company tangentially top of mind and might even prompt them to engage with you in offline or other [...]

By |September 3rd, 2020|Categories: Associations, Email Marketing, Featured, Franchises, Gaming, Publishing|Tags: , |
  • Introducing a New Email Campaign Type: Re-Welcome Email

Introducing a New Email Campaign Type: Re-Welcome Email

THE NEW DORMANTS: I would like to introduce you to Sara and Bob, the new dormants. They are email subscribers you acquired several months ago via an aggressive and expensive digital marketing campaign. We have several points of valuable data on Sara and Bob that were captured during the sign-up process and have been sending them 3 emails a week for months. The problem is that they have not converted. In fact, they haven't engaged with your email program for 9 weeks despite our amazing creative and offers. The new dormants are subscribers who have signed up in the last 3-9 months to email marketing campaigns and have not converted, and their email engagement has gradually [...]

  • I Love Email Customer License Plate Illinois

Making Email Fun: V.P. of Customer Engagement Andrew Kordek

I am not afraid to admit it, I love email marketing. I love email so much that the picture of the license plate above is mine. I have spent the last 20 years of my career in email marketing, making email fun for brands that I have worked with and for. The Fun - Highest Grossing Groupon Email  "It was August 19th, 2010, at 4:30 am when I arrived at the Groupon offices on the Near North Side of Chicago that I knew something big was going to happen.   That day was when Groupon offered the $25 for $50 for the Gap, and the email sends were set to start at around 5:00 am local for [...]

By |August 20th, 2020|Categories: Email Marketing, Featured|
  • Andrew Kordek

Email Marketing Expert Andrew Kordek joins iPost as VP, Customer Engagement

SAN MATEO, CALIF., August 19, 2020 iPost, an enterprise email marketing and automation provider, announced today the appointment of Andrew Kordek as VP, Customer Engagement. In his new role, Andrew will be responsible for taking iPost’s Services and industry leading Customer Support to a new level. With over two decades of experience including growing a services organization to over 200 employees, Andrew comes with a unique mix of ‘off the charts’ enthusiasm and experience. Andrew has been in the digital marketing space for over 20 years and is also a well-revered blogger. A data-driven and innovative marketer, Andrew advocates for the subscriber and provides valuable insight for long-term success in email marketing. He started his digital marketing career on [...]

By |August 19th, 2020|Categories: Press Releases|
  • Even an Enterprise Email Marketing Platform Can Lead to Overindulgence in Emailing

Enterprise Email Marketing Tools Can Lead to Excess – Beware!

It's August 2020 and our scales are showing the effects of the extra food and alcohol consumed while staying home. People now refer to their pandemic pounds and the quarantine 15. We have fattened our curves while flattening the curve. The extra calories are understandable. We’ve been stressed out, seeking comfort and baking bread. We’ve found solace in the kitchen, but our waistlines have paid a price. And that’s the nice thing about weight gain, right? You can see the direct correlation between calories in and pounds on—or alternatively calories avoided and pounds lost. As someone using enterprise email marketing tools, you can use a similar direct correlation to find out if you’re over messaging your [...]

By |August 3rd, 2020|Categories: Email Marketing, Featured|
  • Enterprise Email Marketing Software & Good Strategy = Email ROI

Enterprise Email Marketing Software & Good Strategy = Email ROI

If you’ve invested in an enterprise email marketing software solution as a better fit for your increasingly complex email marketing needs, you’re probably taking advantage of many of the email marketing tools now available to you. Hopefully, your email service provider is also providing helpful email marketing tips. But that software alone is not enough to generate the higher email ROI you seek. You must still develop your email marketing strategy and work your way through the stages required for each individual customer to get your emails delivered, opened, and acted upon. Beyond the enterprise ESP, you still need: Content Relevance Engagement Deliverability Inbox placement Finally... Email ROI Targeted Emails Start with Good Content If your [...]

By |July 1st, 2020|Categories: Associations, Best Practices, Featured, Franchises|Tags: |
  • Restaurant Email Marketing - Restaurant Email Segmentation

Restaurant Email Marketing – Restaurant Email Segmentation

Email marketing for restaurants—it’s a numbers game. But they have to be the right numbers in the right sequence. Improving email ROI for your restaurant isn’t about simply upping customer email numbers, meaning getting more names on your email list so you can send more email campaigns and therefore drive more customers to your business. How do you improve the ROI of email marketing for restaurant owners? Start by increasing the restaurant email segmentation. Do this, by increasing the segments you send to, not the total number of emails on your list. Instead of increasing your list by 1,000 names per month, segmenting means increasing the number of segments you send to. Segment your email list [...]

By |June 30th, 2020|Categories: Data, Featured|Tags: |
  • Migrating to a New Enterprise ESP? 7 Tips for a Painless Switch

Migrating to a New Enterprise ESP? 7 Tips for a Painless ESP Switch

If you’re an email marketer switching to a new enterprise ESP, you might think the hardest part was choosing that new ESP. Yes, that was a challenge, I’m sure, because you had several qualified email service providers to choose from. But the work isn’t done yet. Because now you face the migration from the old to the new ESP. That migration doesn’t have to be a painful experience, however. Here are 7 tips to help make the switch to your new enterprise ESP painless. Tip 1: Gather your data before you go.  By data, we mean your actual data (email and more), your content, your automations/logic and your past performance data. Your actual data is probably [...]

By |June 24th, 2020|Categories: Associations, ESP Migration, Featured, Franchises|Tags: |

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