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Blog: Email Marketing News

Thank you Apple, we L.O.V.E. MPP!

Apple delivered the email marketing community a gift at the WWDC this past week, and we at iPost cannot be more excited.  In case you haven’t heard, Apple will be releasing “Mail Privacy Protection” MPP later this year with iOS15, iPadOS15, watchOS8, and macOS Monterey. Here is what we know so far about Mail Privacy Protection (MPP): IP addresses will be blocked. The opening times of emails will now no longer be accurate at all Email opens will be completely inaccurate - All emails will be marked as open whether a person reads them or not. Tracking Pixels (or “spy pixels”) will be opened by default All remote images will be preloaded before hitting the users [...]

  • Email delivery vs Email deliverability

Email delivery vs Email deliverability

In email marketing, email delivery and email deliverability are two entirely different things when it comes to running an email program. Unfortunately, they are often used interchangeably, and it causes some confusion amongst non-email people around your organization. So how do you distinguish email delivery and deliverability? Email Delivery Delivery simply means that the email you just sent was accepted by your recipient’s server and did not bounce.  It doesn’t mean that the email was delivered to the inbox or a folder; it simply means that it wasn’t rejected. Email delivery rate is NOT a metric you want to use to gauge the success of your campaign or your program.  Therefore, the email delivery rate is [...]

  • iPost eValuate

iPost Announces eValuate, a Free Assessment for Email Marketers

SAN MATEO, CALIF., May 06, 2021 iPost, an enterprise email marketing and automation provider, has announced iPost eValuate, a free assessment of two critical email marketing components: subscribers and creative. With eValuate, iPost experts with an average of 15 years of industry experience conduct both a subscriber analysis and a creative review. iPost eValuate Can Analyze Up To 1,000,000 emails! The Subscriber Analysis analyzes up to 1,000,000 email contacts to determine the health of that database. The iPost team looks for invalids, spam traps, and bogus and disposable email addresses. The team then provides optimization recommendations based on that information. The Creative Analysis looks at one piece of email creative and makes recommendations for optimizing the creative while staying [...]

By |May 13th, 2021|Categories: Associations, Franchises, Press Releases|
  • Emails From The Client Side

Emails From The Client Side – Levels of Engagement

As we continue to grow, we are constantly fielding questions around our solution and its ability to perform strategically no matter what vertical they are in. One common theme from our clients is "levels of engagement." A recent email from the client-side asked us this: My engagement levels have peaked in many of my programs, and I'm trying to determine if it would be a better use of time to build on these or if I should focus on creating new campaigns where I can start with a lower engagement rate but perhaps achieve a higher conversion rate as a result. What do you think? How do your subscribers compare across the various programs you manage? [...]

  • Purging Your Subscribers

Purging Your Subscribers: How to Determine Who Needs To Be Purged

Check your marketing ego at the door, people, because at some point in your email career, you will be faced with the decision to purge subscribers from your email program. Purging your subscribers is a great way to maintain the legitimacy of your database. What does purging mean? Purging means that you take a pre-defined segment of subscribers and remove them from your sendable database. Here, the operative term is "pre-defined," which means that you need to agree on what parameters make up the need to kick the subscribers to the curb. There are almost always spam accounts lingering on your subscribers' list. DEFINING THE PURGING SEGMENT Let's be clear; there is no definitive definition or [...]

By |April 20th, 2021|Categories: Associations, Best Practices, Email Marketing, Featured, Franchises, Publishing|Tags: |
  • Franchise Marketing: What is the Most Important Email

Franchise Marketing: What is the Most Important Email?

As a franchise email marketer, you undoubtedly have many things to do. However, I highly encourage you to stop what you are doing for the next 3-5 minutes to read this post. It doesn’t matter what type of franchise marketer you are, only that you have influence or decision-making capabilities for your marketing plan program. The reason why I am asking is that individual franchisees typically have one thing in common: they want results! If franchise owners/managers like yourself view email as valuable and implement it into their marketing plan, then the results will follow suit (in theory). But...are they? Why would franchise buyers think this way? Does your franchisee follow up with franchisees after receiving [...]

By |March 30th, 2021|Categories: Best Practices, Featured, Franchises|Tags: |
  • Hidden Costs of Switching Email Service Providers

7 Hidden Costs of Switching Email Service Providers (ESP)

If you’re switching email service providers, one of the questions that’s likely top of mind is, what will it cost to move from one ESP to another? Although there are steps you can take to make the ESP migration easier, you still might not understand the real costs. Based on anecdotal evidence from watching—and helping—clients switch email service providers, both before and during their engagements with iPost, I’ve pulled together some hidden costs to consider to help you understand those real costs associated with switching ESPs. Please note: This is not a breakdown of the costs of switching email service providers, nor a guide to figuring out if the cost is worth it. It is, however, [...]

By |March 9th, 2021|Categories: Associations, Email Marketing, ESP Migration, Featured, Franchises, Publishing|Tags: |
  • International Franchise Association

iPost Joins International Franchise Association (IFA)

SAN MATEO, CALIF., March 02, 2021 iPost email marketing platform for franchises joins International Franchise Association (IFA). iPost, an enterprise email marketing and automation provider, has joined the International Franchise Association (IFA), the world's largest membership organization for franchisors, franchisees and franchise suppliers. The decision to join the IFA is tied directly to the capabilities of the iPost email platform. “We joined the IFA not because we plan to franchise, but because our platform works so exceedingly well for franchise businesses,” says Cameron Kane, iPost CEO. “Being part of a vibrant organization like the IFA helps us connect to those franchises that can benefit greatly from the iPost email marketing platform.” It is a competitive marketing environment, with consumers [...]

By |March 2nd, 2021|Categories: Franchises, Press Releases|
  • 5 Bad Email Practices to Avoid in 2023

Avoid These 5 Bad Email Habits in 2023

It's fair to say that none of us in email marketing are in it to annoy our subscribers with our email newsletters. We have all read articles about why subscribers leave your email program. This article about five bad email practices to avoid in 2023 is no exception. In addition to frequency and lack of personalization in emails, some things just flat-out drive people nuts. They may be things that you don't intentionally do, but they are things nonetheless. I hope you will take inventory of your program and see if these five things impact your engagement in any way. #1 POOR SIGN-UP EXPERIENCE Imagine you have been invited to a fabulous party where tons of [...]

By |March 2nd, 2021|Categories: Associations, Best Practices, Featured, Franchises, Publishing|Tags: |
  • 5 Facts About Email Copywriting—and Why It Matters

5 reasons email copywriting is different

Email marketers & business owners usually assume email copywriting is easy. Or they assume it’s like writing any other kind of marketing copy. But they’re wrong. If you want to succeed with email marketing in 2022 and beyond, it’s time to start learning how to write killer emails. To really learn email copywriting, it takes a lot of experience, testing, trial, and error, etc. You might be wondering what makes email copywriting different? Here are five reasons email copywriting is different, and also learn how to write like an expert copywriter. Reason 1: Your email copywriting is showing up in someone’s email inbox. Showing up in your email subscribers' inbox or on their phone is much [...]

By |February 9th, 2021|Categories: Best Practices, Email Marketing, Featured, Franchises, Publishing|Tags: , |

Are Long Emails Bad? How Long Should an Email Be?

Are Long Emails Bad? You Have Been Mislead. In recent years people in the email industry have led you to believe that you should stop writing long emails because email subscribers don't read long emails anymore. Email marketing strategists and thought leaders have subsequently encouraged you to write shorter emails (50 to 125 words - 200 words) or image-heavy with little copy and bullet points because subscribers "scan." The industry has said that no one likes to scroll on emails unless you have valuable content, and only then should you have your most valuable content at the top to grab their attention. Captain Obvious called on the former and asked that I tell you "HOGWASH" on [...]

By |February 2nd, 2021|Categories: Associations, Best Practices, Creative, Email Marketing, Featured, Franchises|Tags: , , |
  • Gmail Inbox Deliverability - Prevent Gmail Spam

Gmail Inbox Deliverability – Prevent Gmail Spam

GMAIL IS EMAIL KING. Gmail is a big deal for B2C email marketers. Gmail email addresses can make up 40-80% of your list and cause headaches for marketers who need to have high inbox placement to be successful. Gmail has over 1.5 billion users, a vast email client market share, and is always innovating around the email experience while continuously improving its algorithms to determine inbox placement and delivery of your messages. They are demanding that marketers become better at email marketing, and we at iPost agree. We understand your goal is to prevent mail to Gmail users from being blocked or sent to spam. GMAIL ALGORITHM HACKS Let's be clear; there are no hacks or [...]

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