Top 10 Email Marketing Disasters Franchise Owners Must Avoid
Email marketing is crucial for franchise owners to communicate with customers and drive business growth. However, common mistakes can turn your email marketing efforts into a disaster. In this blog post, we will discuss the top 10 email marketing disasters that franchise owners must avoid to ensure the success of their marketing efforts. Top 10 Email Marketing Disasters Ignoring Brand Guidelines One of the biggest mistakes in email marketing that franchise owners can fall into is not establishing brand guidelines. These guidelines are the cornerstone for maintaining a unified brand identity across all customer touchpoints in franchise marketing. When franchisees overlook or disregard these [...]
Field Manual For Better Franchise Email Marketing
Introduction If you are a marketer inside a franchise organization, email marketing for franchise is an effective and cost-efficient way to connect with current and future customers. While most consumers love to hate email and claim that they get too much, they are addicted to it. People check email while driving, in bed, on vacation, in the bathroom, and even at the dinner table. Consumer content consumption continues to rise, but retention and patience are decreasing. Email is here to stay despite what some critics think, but email marketing is hard and gets more complex as the channel evolves. A well-run franchise email program drives incremental value and influences revenue, and it doesn't matter if [...]
Franchise Development: Increase Number of Leads and Shorten Sales Cycle
In speaking with many franchise development leaders, there is a nagging challenge with getting more qualified franchise development leads into the funnel with current lead generation strategies. Once those names are in the franchise development (fran dev) sales cycle, the second challenge is to identify which folks are just "kicking tires" from the ones genuinely interested in becoming a franchisee. Trying to pursue those "tire kickers" who have little intention of buying or can’t qualify, is a waste of resources that could be better used in pursuing those who raised their hand and want to start the discussion. New Leads: Image if you will, the fran dev team having visibility into everyone who visits your “become [...]
The 21 Do’s & Don’ts for Franchisors in Email Marketing
Introduction This 21 do’s and don’ts for Franchisors in Email Marketing post is undoubtedly not meant to be an exhaustive list but should serve as a guidepost for your programmatic email efforts. This post is all about you, the Franchisor, and actions in your email program to create awareness, nurture and convert people/subscribers interested in becoming a Franchisee. Many Franchisors ask the question regarding franchise email marketing: “what are the best practices I should adopt?” Of course, there are fundamental best practices such as not purchasing lists, privacy, compliance, and those that minimize risk. However, the best practices we will be focusing on are assuming that you have these fundamentals in place. We will be [...]
Best Franchise Email Templates for 2024
What makes the best franchise email templates? Many factors go into writing franchise emails that convert well, but there are some common elements that any franchisor can include in their email campaigns to help boost the chances of conversion and engagement. While writing an email may seem like a relatively straightforward process, Franchise owners may often rely on their marketing teams to create the outgoing emails. Unlike small businesses or eCommerce brands, franchise owners must consider things like multiple locations, brand consistency in messaging, and different markets depending on each franchise location. Sure, it’s easy to suggest that franchises could hire their own marketing team to handle emails for each location. But that would be an [...]
Email Marketing For Franchise Development
Connecting with your audience and developing the franchise are extremely important for growth in the franchise industry. All successful franchises use email marketing and automation tools for franchise development. When you think of franchise development, you don’t often think about how email marketing can influence the process. However, a well-executed and timely franchise email marketing campaign to potential franchisees can carry a ton of weight in strengthening brand awareness. Franchise development needs to have email marketing as a part of their foundation for growth and this post will explore how you can accomplish that. TYPES OF PROGRAMS IN FRANCHISE EMAIL MARKETING In the Franchise world, email marketing can essentially be used for three different purposes: Franchise [...]
2021 Gaming & Gambling Industry Conferences Recap Las Vegas
I recently attended two industry-specific conferences, both in Las Vegas. First was the Multi-unit Franchise Conference (MUFC) followed two weeks later at the Global Gaming Expo (G2E). It was nice to get out and start seeing people face to face. It’s funny that a franchise-related event and a casino/gaming event could have so much in common. Industry Conferences Recap The over-arching theme from both conferences was the need for engagement. At the MUFC 2021 event, it was around the franchisor wanting to determine which prospective franchisee is more likely to buy a franchise location. They are wanting an automated process to separate the wheat from the chaff for those who raise their hand to learn more [...]
Benchmarking for Email Marketing
Welcome to a new digital marketing series at iPost called "Don't do this, do that.", where some of the best minds in email marketing will use dozens of years of both client, agency, and ESP experience to guide you the email marketer with pragmatic advice to help improve your marketing strategy. This week's article is about Benchmarking. What Is Benchmarking? First, let's start with some definitions. According to Wikipedia, "Benchmarking is the practice of comparing business processes and performance metrics to industry bests and best practices from other companies." Benchmark is defined as an object, such as a ruler or standard, used as a measure of size, accuracy, or quality. So if you're comparing yourself to [...]
iPost to Attend Multi-Unit Franchising Conference 2021
Franchisors and Franchisees, can I have your attention, please? I have just been handed an URGENT bit of news that iPost is a Bronze Sponsor of the annual Multi-Unit Franchising Conference Las Vegas MUFC 2021. We are super excited about being there from August 31st - September 3rd, 2021. Despite not having a booth, we will be sending Skip O’Neill, our resident wine connoisseur, gin expert, and email marketing warrior, to this great franchising event. Skip is quite eager to connect with fellow attendees. iPost brings value to the Franchise Industry, Learn More at Multi-Unit Franchising Conference. We understand complex Franchise Systems. At iPost, our commitment to the franchise industry is evident in that we are [...]
Franchise Marketing Attribution in Digital Email Marketing
In a recent Scorpion Research Study (published on the IFA site) done on Franchise Owner Marketing Attitudes & Usage, almost 27% of the business owner respondents said that Franchise Marketing Attribution was the most significant marketing challenge that they faced. In addition, when asked about what aspects of their digital advertising could work better, respondents said: “they wanted their SEO, PPC, directory listing, and email marketing to work more cohesively.” These marketing challenges may seem daunting but are not impossible to solve. Key Factors to Consider for Better Franchise Marketing Attribution 1. Attribution > cohesion When it comes to channel cohesion, it’s always the dream of any C-Level executive to want channels to work better together. [...]
iPost Joins International Franchise Professionals Group (IFPG)
SAN MATEO, CALIF., June 29, 2021 iPost email marketing platform for franchises drives the decision to join IFPG iPost, an enterprise email marketing and automation provider is honored to announce that it has become an Elite Member of the International Franchise Professionals Group (IFPG), the world's largest & most respected franchise consultant organization. “iPost’s commitment to the franchise community made IFPG the ideal association to partner with,” says Skip O’Neill, iPost VP. “Helping franchisors to improve their efficiencies and customer communications aligns with our easy to use solution and multi-tier account structure." The amount of change that has happened in recent years around digital marketing is astronomical. Those franchises that offer the most relevant, targeted email content to [...]
Testing an email is a waste of time.
Testing an email is a waste of time. I am sick of the words “test it” in email marketing. For the last 15 years, it seems that you cannot go a week without reading an article about the value of testing in email. Thought leaders, content marketers, vendors, and agencies have all banged the drum of just how testing can work and produce results. Unfortunately, in most cases, marketers haul off and test maybe one or two emails, see little if any change, and move on. Perhaps they get discouraged around how testing is supposed to be set up, or maybe they thought it would be easy and find that it takes patience and [...]
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