Best Practices2022-02-15T07:40:18-07:00
Blog: Best Practices
Blog: Best Practices
Blog: Email Marketing News
  • How My Name Was Changed for Me—the Ethics of Data Collection in the Age of GDPR

How My Name Was Changed for Me—the Ethics of Data Collection in the Age of GDPR

This post was written by Per Caroe, Head of Sales and Business Development at iPost. For ethnic reasons, my family decided two names were perfectly fine for me and my sister when we were born. Three names? “Nah, we’re good. Also, can we find a short name that’s Danish and starts with a P?” When your parents are named Peter and Poula, this seems like a clever idea. “We’ll all be able to use the same initials on luggage,” my mother once quipped. (Note: There were never any monogrammed initials.) Fast forward many years to 1992. I started dating my now wife and we decided to go camping. We needed a tent and off to JC [...]

By |November 12th, 2018|Categories: Data, Featured|
  • Restaurant Email Marketing

Restaurant Email Marketing

The Dangers of Stale Restaurant Email Marketing—and How to Make It Fresh Again Would you eat stale bread? Old fish? Over-cooked vegetables? Not by choice, right? Nor would your restaurant serve up such sub-standard food to their customers. But you might be serving up stale, sub-standard emails—through no fault of your own. To make sure your restaurant email marketing strategies match the quality of your restaurant chain’s food or table service, let’s take a look at how customer email technology has changed in recent years. A Fresh Approach to Restaurant Email Marketing You already know email marketing is unique among other marketing tools. It delivers a higher ROI for one thing, and it acts like a [...]

By |August 7th, 2018|Categories: Email Marketing, Featured|
  • How to Create a Powerful Behavioral Targeting Email Strategy

How to Create a Powerful Behavioral Targeting Email Strategy

Email marketing is becoming more difficult to do. Social media marketing, video marketing, and content marketing are competing with email to capture attention. But, for most digital marketers, email is still the bread and butter of their online business. That said, those who adapt to a more modern behavior based email marketing strategy will separate themselves from the competition. Improve Your Marketing - Behavioral Email Examples Are you still email marketing the old way? You narrow down your focus to a product you want to showcase and push that out to everyone on your list? FAIL. Sorry, Charlie, it just doesn’t work that way anymore. Your open, click, and conversion rates will all suffer if this [...]

By |August 7th, 2018|Categories: Associations, Email Marketing, Franchises|
  • The All-in-One Marketing Cloud vs. Integrated Best-in-Breed Solution

The All-in-One Marketing Cloud vs. Integrated Best-in-Breed Solution

Are you considering a marketing cloud solution? One that combines all kinds of disparate technologies and features into one package? Many companies are going that route. And it might be that it’s a good solution for you…and it might be that it’s not. A bundled solution has its downsides, as you’ll see below. And there’s a lot to be said for one customized exactly to your needs. The marketing cloud as a bundled solution A marketing cloud solution typically bundles together a variety of technologies onto one platform for you—technologies such as CRM, eCommerce, social media marketing, analytics, and possibly more. When you want your marketing solution offered to you as a total package in one [...]

By |April 18th, 2018|Categories: Associations, Email Marketing, Featured, Franchises|
  • Relational vs. flat file systems

How a Relational Database Can Help Stop Email From Falling Flat

Do you know where your email marketing is headed? Ideally, it’s headed down the path of hyper-personalized, one-to-one marketing. But hyper-personalized is only going to happen if your ESP supports a relational database. Relational vs. flat file systems Although many marketers have recognized the benefits of relational databases for several years now, surprisingly few email service providers (ESPs) support them—although iPost does. If you’re planning to take your segmentation to a new level this year, or to increase the sophistication of your email marketing, you need to know how a relational database differs from the usual flat-file one—and how critical this might turn out to be when choosing your new Email Service Provider. So… what’s the difference? [...]

By |April 12th, 2018|Categories: Associations, Data, Email Marketing, Franchises|Tags: |
  • Email Open Rate Meaning - Why You Shouldn’t Worry

Email Open Rate Meaning – Why You Shouldn’t Worry

Email open rates (the number of emails opened). We love them. We hate them. We obsess over them. They are typically one of the first email marketing benchmarks we check in our email reporting (after the total number of emails delivered.) We anxiously compare them to industry standards. And we’re constantly trying to get average email open rates ever higher. However, maybe we’re obsessing a little too much about open rates as open rates. There is much that we can learn from our email open rates beyond the basic question, “How many people opened our email?” Avoid only looking at email opens as opens With your digital marketing efforts aiming to improve, your open rate might [...]

By |April 4th, 2018|Categories: Best Practices, Email Marketing, Featured|Tags: |
  • Stop Sign (10 Annoying Emails You Should Stop Sending)

10 Annoying Emails You Should Stop Sending in 2025

We all do things we wouldn’t like someone to do to us. We cut people off in traffic, pay bills late, and forget birthdays and anniversaries. It’s not because we’re bad people! We’re only human, and sometimes we get impatient, careless, busy, "hangry", or absentminded—or all of the above. We overlook, forget about or even ignore the Golden Rule that says do unto others as you want them to do unto you. Sometimes, we do this as email marketers, too, and we do unto others—our subscribers and customers—what we definitely do not want to be done unto us. Are you guilty of that occasional violation of the Golden Rule? Are you “that guy”—or gal? Are you sending annoying emails? [...]

By |March 22nd, 2018|Categories: Best Practices, Don't do this, Email Marketing|
  • Your Competitors’ Emails Are Better Than Yours

Your Competitors’ Emails Are Better Than Yours

OK, I went out on a limb with that post title, I confess. Maybe your competitors’ emails aren’t better than yours. But do you know? Do you know how they compare? Do you know how your emails stack up against the emails of “those other guys”? It’s surprising to me how many marketers don’t subscribe to their competitors’ emails in order to see what they are up against. We’re all trying to stand out in the inbox. Shouldn’t we know what we are being compared to? I say yes, we should. The easiest and cheapest marketing research you’ll ever do Doing this kind of comparison won’t cost you a dime, nor take up much time. You [...]

By |March 13th, 2018|Categories: Best Practices, do that, Email Marketing, Featured|
  • 15 Ways to Improve Automated Email Content

15 Ways to Improve Automated Email Content

There’s a lot of logic that goes into wanting better email content while developing ways to improve automated email content in your email campaigns. However, when it comes to the email content, logic sometimes gets lost in the shuffle. We suspect that’s due in part to crafting these email messages as one-offs, and focusing more on the email campaign as a whole and not on the pieces and how they should work together. Yet, this email content has to be good in order to realize the benefits automated email content can provide. The content must be great as standalone messages and as messages working together as a coherent whole. How’s your automated email content? Does it [...]

By |February 16th, 2018|Categories: Best Practices, Email Marketing|Tags: |
  • Why Your Senderscore Matters More Than Your Credit Score

Why Your Senderscore Matters More Than Your Credit Score

Why Does Your Senderscore Matter More Than Your Credit Score? Well, have you ever bought a house? Or a car? And your credit score was part of the equation that determined whether or not the sale would go through and at what rate? Officially known as a FICO score, that credit rating can be a make-or-break number for some consumers, and I know people who fret over that number and how high or low it is. In our world as email marketers, we have something similar to the credit score of the consumer world: We have the senderscore. The sender score can determine your sender reputation. And even though it has nothing to do with debt, it [...]

By |February 1st, 2018|Categories: Associations, Deliverability, Franchises|
  • Think You’re not a Spammer? Think Again…

Think You’re not a Spammer? Think Again…

Are you a spammer? In recent years, we’ve heard of companies that are supposedly “too big to fail.” That notion is negotiable, but certainly, we have companies that are not too big to fail as well as not too big to spam. If you think of spammers as never-do-wells sitting in dark, dingy basement apartments trying to trick people into buying Viagra or Costa Rica, think again. And then make sure your own email marketing is legitimate and can’t be labeled as spam. Yes, you: Make sure you’re not a spammer. “But spammers, those are bad guys, right?” Sure, you’ve got your classic types of spam, like that poor Nigerian prince who can’t seem to get a [...]

By |January 2nd, 2018|Categories: Associations, Deliverability, Featured, Franchises|Tags: , |

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