Best Practices2022-02-15T07:40:18-07:00
Blog: Best Practices
Blog: Best Practices
Blog: Email Marketing News
  • Doing an ESP Migration

Doing an ESP Migration? Avoid These 7 Pitfalls

For Basic ESP Q & A, refer to this previous post for What is an ESP?. You thought going through the ESP selection process was hard? It might look like a walk in the park compared to the actual ESP migration. Moving from one ESP to another involves many different people and parts, and how well you do the migration affects how quickly you’ll be up and running with your new ESP. It’s worth doing it well! Yet it’s also fraught with potential pitfalls. At iPost, we see the after effects of ESP migration pitfalls when organizations come to us with issues such poor deliverability, inefficient processes, or lack of insight into how to take advantage [...]

By |February 23rd, 2021|Categories: Email Marketing, ESP Migration, Featured, Publishing|Tags: |
  • 5 Facts About Email Copywriting—and Why It Matters

5 reasons email copywriting is different

Email marketers & business owners usually assume email copywriting is easy. Or they assume it’s like writing any other kind of marketing copy. But they’re wrong. If you want to succeed with email marketing in 2022 and beyond, it’s time to start learning how to write killer emails. To really learn email copywriting, it takes a lot of experience, testing, trial, and error, etc. You might be wondering what makes email copywriting different? Here are five reasons email copywriting is different, and also learn how to write like an expert copywriter. Reason 1: Your email copywriting is showing up in someone’s email inbox. Showing up in your email subscribers' inbox or on their phone is much [...]

By |February 9th, 2021|Categories: Best Practices, Email Marketing, Featured, Franchises, Publishing|Tags: , |

Are Long Emails Bad? How Long Should an Email Be?

Are Long Emails Bad? You Have Been Mislead. In recent years people in the email industry have led you to believe that you should stop writing long emails because email subscribers don't read long emails anymore. Email marketing strategists and thought leaders have subsequently encouraged you to write shorter emails (50 to 125 words - 200 words) or image-heavy with little copy and bullet points because subscribers "scan." The industry has said that no one likes to scroll on emails unless you have valuable content, and only then should you have your most valuable content at the top to grab their attention. Captain Obvious called on the former and asked that I tell you "HOGWASH" on [...]

By |February 2nd, 2021|Categories: Associations, Best Practices, Creative, Email Marketing, Featured, Franchises|Tags: , , |
  • Silent Marketing Solution: Use Email Analytics to Best Engage Silent Subscribers

Silent Marketing Solution: Use Email Analytics to Best Engage Silent Subscribers

What are the best email analytics to help determine which subscribers are bringing you down? As digital consumers, we’ve all been through this scenario of disillusionment: You land at a website and you like what you see. You subscribe to the brand’s emails because you’re thinking this is the start of something. Then the emails start coming. They fail to offer what you’d anticipated. And they keep coming. And you wish they’d just stop. Next thing you know, you’ve gone from warm fuzzies about a brand to being a disillusioned silent subscriber who never opens another email. We know that’s a tiresome and oft-repeated scenario as consumers. But we need to address this common occurrence from [...]

By |January 26th, 2021|Categories: Associations, Data, Featured|Tags: |
  • Gmail Inbox Deliverability - Prevent Gmail Spam

Gmail Inbox Deliverability – Prevent Gmail Spam

GMAIL IS EMAIL KING. Gmail is a big deal for B2C email marketers. Gmail email addresses can make up 40-80% of your list and cause headaches for marketers who need to have high inbox placement to be successful. Gmail has over 1.5 billion users, a vast email client market share, and is always innovating around the email experience while continuously improving its algorithms to determine inbox placement and delivery of your messages. They are demanding that marketers become better at email marketing, and we at iPost agree. We understand your goal is to prevent mail to Gmail users from being blocked or sent to spam. GMAIL ALGORITHM HACKS Let's be clear; there are no hacks or [...]

  • Marketing Cloud Alternatives: When You Want Features, Not Headaches

Marketing Cloud Alternatives: When You Want Features, Not Headaches

For all those marketers searching for marketing cloud alternatives, it’s a bit confusing, right? I mean, we’re talking about huge Fortune 100 companies that have been around for years and are so well-known that people make memes about using them. Yet marketers have experienced so many headaches that they are actively seeking out marketing cloud alternatives instead. I suspect it’s because marketers want to be able to do what the big marketing clouds promise without having to work so hard and pay so much to do so. They want the features, but they do not want the headaches that come with implementing or using those features. And they’re at the point when they realize they need [...]

By |January 12th, 2021|Categories: Associations, Email Marketing, Featured, Franchises|Tags: |
  • Email Trends: 13 Email Marketing Trends Predictions for 2021

Email Trends: 13 Email Marketing Trends Predictions for 2021

2020 SUCKED (1 Star ⭐) 2020 was a year of consolidation and regurgitation in the email industry. Companies merged, were bought, and even changed names, while the industry managed to talk about the same stuff that we were talking about 10-15 years ago. The operative words in the industry were personalization, automation, and the "New Normal."   While 2020 did suck, it quickly reminded us that pivoting our strategies was not a bad thing, and those that were quick and agile faired far better than those that just followed.  Email Marketing Trends Predictions In 2021, more of the same will happen across the industry. Companies will consolidate, and "personalization" will be a hot topic of many posts [...]

  • Restaurant email marketing

Restaurant Email Marketing Tasty Results with Images

Even with the best restaurant email marketing platform in the world, you’ll fail to deliver optimal email marketing results if you’re not using the right images. And by “right,” I mean the images your audience is drawn to and compelled by. You already know images are compelling because you’re human. If I were to publish this post without the picture of the busy restaurant to get your attention, you’d be less interested in reading it. The image gets your attention. In fact, the image starts telling you what this post is about before you start reading the words. And you know the old adage about a picture is worth a thousand words. So even if you’re [...]

By |December 29th, 2020|Categories: Best Practices, Email Marketing, Featured|Tags: |

How to Leverage Web Tracking Data for Informed Decisions

There’s no such thing as too much data in marketing and business, especially when it comes to web tracking data. As the saying goes, if you aren’t measuring, you aren’t improving. Informed decision-making is about getting out of your own head and putting yourself in the place of your potential customers. They want great products, excellent customer service, and competitive prices—and they want all three in equal measure. What is Web Tracking? Web tracking is a method of measuring user interaction with your website. A web tracker follows users as they browse your site, collecting data about their actions and recording it in log files. From there, an analyst can review those logs and identify trends [...]

By |December 15th, 2020|Categories: Data, Email Marketing, Featured|Tags: , |
  • iPost Three-Areas-Of-Messaging-Focus

3 Techniques to Enhance Your Email Messaging Focus

How can you ensure that your email marketing efforts continue to resonate with your subscribers? Focus on three key techniques that will make sure you humanize, harmonize, and empathize with your audience. No matter what type of business you’re running, it’s vital to understand the importance of creating relationships with your subscribers. After all, these people are the lifeblood of your company; if they feel valued and appreciated, they’ll likely respond by telling their friends about your brand or purchasing more products from you in the future! Email volume will continue to break all sorts of records in the next few years. Brands must be aware that they are not just competing with competitors, but almost [...]

By |December 1st, 2020|Categories: Associations, Email Marketing, Featured, Franchises|
  • Welcome Emails Need Unsubscribe Links

Do Welcome Emails Need Unsubscribe Links?

At iPost, we get a lot of questions about welcome emails, the purpose of welcome emails, and whether you should include an unsubscribe link or not in your welcome email to make it easier for people to leave your email list. Some email marketers even say that if you don’t include an unsubscribe link, you’re killing your list. But do welcome emails need an unsubscribe link? And why does it matter? Let’s talk about it! What is required in my welcome emails? Pro-tip, one of the greatest misconceptions of welcome emails is that they are transactional and, therefore, not subject to Can-Spam compliance of having an email opt-out in them. While accurate in concept, treating a [...]

By |November 17th, 2020|Categories: Associations, Best Practices, Email Marketing, Featured, Franchises, Publishing|Tags: , |
  • Bad Email: 9 Bad Email Tactics to Avoid in Q4

9 Bad Email Tactics to Avoid

By now, you have been inundated with blog posts, webinars, and whitepapers that show all of the good email tactics you can employ in Q4 to end 2020 on a high note for revenue in your digital marketing program. If we wanted to conform to everyone else with a uniform marketing tactic, we would, but given our unique approach to hitting send in the modern-day ESP is slightly different from most, we thought a more direct approach would be best. Bad Email Tactic Examples: Tactic #1 Never employ a COO strategy! Like a COI (confirmed opt-in), don't create an email that your email list must click on to opt-out of your email program. Tactic #2 OOPS. [...]

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