Best Practices

  • Franchise Email Template for 2024

Best Franchise Email Templates for 2024

2024-05-08T13:23:10-06:00By |Tags: , , |

What makes the best franchise email templates?  Many factors go into writing franchise emails that convert well, but there are some common elements that any franchisor can include in their email campaigns to help boost the chances of conversion and engagement.  While writing an email may seem like a relatively straightforward process, Franchise owners [...]

  • Google Algorithm Updates 2022

2022 Google Algorithm Updates & What They Mean for You

2022-02-08T12:42:37-07:00By |

If you’re not paying attention to 2022 Google Algorithm Updates, you could be seriously hurting your chances of success. After all, more than 90% of the world uses Google Search. What are some upcoming changes you should know about and how will they affect the world of SEO?  In this article, we’ll take a [...]

  • Franchise Email Marketing and SEO on the Rise

Franchise Report: Email Marketing and SEO on the Rise

2022-01-18T12:30:36-07:00By |Tags: , , , , |

According to the 2021 Annual Franchise Marketing Report (AFMR), the results from email marketing have risen among businesses for 2021, with an increase of 15% in effectiveness versus 2020.  The study also highlighted that search engine optimization (SEO) has also been increasing in popularity and effectiveness, showing an increase of 7 percentage points.  Combining [...]

  • Real Time Dynamic Data for Marketing Emails

Real Time Dynamic Data for Marketing Emails

2022-01-27T12:42:45-07:00By |

Using dynamic data in marketing emails is a standard, at this point in 2022. Blog posts and articles are saturated with practices about it, and virtually everyone in the industry uses some type of personal dynamic information associated with their contacts to provide better communication and to improve the quality of the user experience. It’s a given [...]