Best Practices

  • First Impression with your customers is so important – Don’t blow it!

Email First Impression is So Important – Don’t blow it!

2021-10-28T13:44:19-06:00By |

You don’t get a second chance to make the first impression a good impression. That’s why it’s so important for your email programs to start the customer relationship out on the right track. A welcome email series helps to begin building that relationship. When considering how to put together the strategy for a welcome [...]

  • Defining—and Engaging—the Unengaged Subscriber

Defining—and Engaging—the Unengaged Subscriber

2022-01-27T12:57:31-07:00By |

How are you treating the unengaged subscribers on your email list? These inactive subscribers are still on your list so potentially have value. But they obviously aren’t responding to your email marketing the way you’d like. What can you do? First off, let’s define an unengaged subscriber, otherwise known as email non-responders. What is [...]

  • Realize the Value of Relevance to Get More Email Opens

Realize the Value of Relevance to Get More Email Opens

2022-01-27T12:58:01-07:00By |

Think of the last time you didn't read your email for a day or so. When you did check, your inbox was probably filled with both opt-in messages as well as some junk email. Let's focus on those emails you opted in to receive, the ones from brands you had explicitly given permission to [...]

  • Email Open Rate Meaning - Why You Shouldn’t Worry

Email Open Rate Meaning – Why You Shouldn’t Worry

2021-10-26T13:27:08-06:00By |Tags: |

Email open rates (the number of emails opened). We love them. We hate them. We obsess over them. They are typically one of the first email marketing benchmarks we check in our email reporting (after the total number of emails delivered.) We anxiously compare them to industry standards. And we’re constantly trying to get [...]

  • Stop Sign (10 Annoying Emails You Should Stop Sending)

10 Annoying Emails You Should Stop Sending in 2025

2025-02-15T07:35:46-07:00By |

We all do things we wouldn’t like someone to do to us. We cut people off in traffic, pay bills late, and forget birthdays and anniversaries. It’s not because we’re bad people! We’re only human, and sometimes we get impatient, careless, busy, "hangry", or absentminded—or all of the above. We overlook, forget about or [...]

  • Your Competitors’ Emails Are Better Than Yours

Your Competitors’ Emails Are Better Than Yours

2021-10-26T13:23:23-06:00By |

OK, I went out on a limb with that post title, I confess. Maybe your competitors’ emails aren’t better than yours. But do you know? Do you know how they compare? Do you know how your emails stack up against the emails of “those other guys”? It’s surprising to me how many marketers don’t [...]

  • 15 Ways to Improve Automated Email Content

15 Ways to Improve Automated Email Content

2025-02-15T07:45:23-07:00By |Tags: |

There’s a lot of logic that goes into wanting better email content while developing ways to improve automated email content in your email campaigns. However, when it comes to the email content, logic sometimes gets lost in the shuffle. We suspect that’s due in part to crafting these email messages as one-offs, and focusing [...]