

About Andrew Kordek

Andrew Kordek has spent 22 years in email marketing, both on the client and agency side. He has worked on and with some of the largest and most complex email programs globally to maximize ROI. A data-driven and innovative marketer, Andrew advocates for the subscriber and provides valuable insight for long-term success in email marketing. He currently lives in the Chicago area with his lovely wife, his 20-year old son, and his dog Nugget. He is the only employee at iPost with a license plate that says EMAIL.
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Discover the Insider Strategies for Creating a Loyalty Program That Actually Works

2023-04-25T09:25:50-06:00By |Tags: , , , |

In episode 5 of the Email Never Sleeps podcast, Andrew Kordek, from iPost, interviews David Slavick Co-founder & Partner of Ascendant Loyalty, about loyalty programs and the importance of effective communication with customers. Email Never Sleeps  Season 2 Episode 5 with David Slavick Slavick explains that his company offers end-to-end customer relationship marketing [...]

  • Leverage Player ID Instead of Email Address with iPost

Casino Email Marketing Tip – Leverage Player ID Instead of Email Address

2023-08-23T09:45:43-06:00By |Tags: , , |

In this casino email marketing tip video, we'll show you how iPost allows you to leverage player ID instead of email address when sending casino email marketing messages. Casino Email Marketing Tip - Leverage Player ID Instead of Email Address https://youtu.be/LyAZdp9idPI Using PlayerID in Casino Marketing By using player ID, you'll be able to target your [...]