
  • Relational vs. flat file systems

How a Relational Database Can Help Stop Email From Falling Flat

2021-10-26T13:28:46-06:00By |Tags: |

Do you know where your email marketing is headed? Ideally, it’s headed down the path of hyper-personalized, one-to-one marketing. But hyper-personalized is only going to happen if your ESP supports a relational database. Relational vs. flat file systems Although many marketers have recognized the benefits of relational databases for several years now, surprisingly few email [...]

  • Why Your Senderscore Matters More Than Your Credit Score

Why Your Senderscore Matters More Than Your Credit Score

2021-10-26T13:18:40-06:00By |

Why Does Your Senderscore Matter More Than Your Credit Score? Well, have you ever bought a house? Or a car? And your credit score was part of the equation that determined whether or not the sale would go through and at what rate? Officially known as a FICO score, that credit rating can be [...]

  • Think You’re not a Spammer? Think Again…

Think You’re not a Spammer? Think Again…

2021-10-26T13:05:54-06:00By |Tags: , |

Are you a spammer? In recent years, we’ve heard of companies that are supposedly “too big to fail.” That notion is negotiable, but certainly, we have companies that are not too big to fail as well as not too big to spam. If you think of spammers as never-do-wells sitting in dark, dingy basement apartments [...]